To register with Dr Shimmins & Partners please first check that you are within our catchment area by putting your postcode into the box on the map below.
Practice Area
Catchment Area
If you require online services please provide 2 forms of ID. One photo such as a passport or driving licence and one form of address such as a recent, (dated within the last 3 months), utility bill or financial statement.
For new babies please provide a copy of the birth certificate and confirmation of the babies NHS number.
You can download the forms below, complete then return to the practice, Forms can also be obtained from the main reception desk.
You will need
New patient registrations may take up to 2 weeks to complete. Please ensure that if you take regular medication you have at least 2 weeks supply from your previous GP practice.
Non-urgent advice: Important
Incomplete forms will not be processed so please ensure all fields of the documents have been completed.